Top-20 improvers in Doing Business 2020(李总理做得不错)

By 摩诃至那国 at 2019-10-11

China implemented reforms in eight areas measured by Doing Business. In Beijing, obtaining the company seal is now fully integrated into the business registration one-stop shop. (获取公司印章已经纳入企业登记注册的一站式服务) Authorities in Beijing and Shanghai simplified the process of obtaining a construction permit by exempting low-risk construction projects from certain reporting requirements. (简化了低风险的建筑工程获取施工许可证的手续) Customers can now apply online for new electricity connections, sign their supply contract electronically and learn about tariff changes at least one billing cycle in advance. (网上申请用电,提前知道电价改变) Paying taxes became easier by implementing a preferential corporate income tax rate for small enterprises, reducing the value added tax rate for certain industries and enhancing the electronic filing and payment system. (通过对小企业实施优惠的企业所得税税率,降低某些行业的增值税税率并增强电子申报和支付系统,纳税变得更加容易。) Exporting and importing is now easier thanks to advance cargo declaration, upgraded port infrastructure, optimized customs administration and the publishing of fee schedules. (进出口更方便了。提前货物报关,升级港口设施,优化海关管理,公开收费标准) Meanwhile, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) enhanced commercial litigation by limiting adjournments and publishing court performance measurement and progress reports. (最高法院加强了商业诉讼处理:减少拖延,公布法院表现) China strengthened minority investor protections by imposing liability on controlling shareholders for unfair transactions with interested parties and clarifying ownership and control structures. (强化对少数股东的保护:控股股东对不公平交易要承担责任,要明确所有权和控制权结构) Lastly, the SPC enhanced priority rules for creditors who provide credit to insolvent businesses and increased access to information from the insolvency representative. (最后,最高人民法院加强了对为破产企业提供信贷的债权人的优先权规则,并增加了从破产代表处获得信息的机会。)

top, improvers, in, doing, business

这些意义不大,主要还是看最后实施的如何 光说一条,简化手续,这个话题谈过起码20年了,目前起码大部分事物的手续仍然繁杂不堪 因为你工程项目手续简化,起码要涉及多个部门,这些部门的油水和寻租空间你搞没了,那他们不找你玩命? 不,他们只会让领导,找上级,最后找到省市一级 带来的问题就是下面根本不动,这也就是为何好政策政令不出中南海


所以现在就是一种逆向淘汰,相对理想的政策,都会施行不下去,进而影响政府公信力 而差政策,折腾老百姓的,以及增加税负的,反而马上就得到执行


想要变? 那就是权力下放,然后人才自由流动,自然好的省市就是越来越多 但是也不行,因为政策不能随便下放,否则习不是明天就要被推翻了

所以归根到底,非民主的独裁体制下,无论如何,都是一条死路 你好政策没人动,坏政策抢着推,根源在于,基层没动力。而基层有动力了,领导就完蛋了 领导和基层,政府和人民,在独裁体制下,是跷跷板,一边强,另外一边就弱


tony231 at 2019-10-11


摩诃至那国 at 2019-10-12