
By rrrr at 2019-11-28

本来人气就不够旺,还把时政、水、段子之类的独立出来。 为什么不把选择权交给用户呢?想看的可以一起看,不想看的可以选择屏蔽?

本站, 分散, 过于, 感觉, 内容


at 2019-11-28

时政话题讨论的风格和其他内容非常不兼容,时政话题非常容易占据整个版面,这个从旧新品葱都能看出来。另外,网络政论,个人觉得有价值的内容不多,一言不合开喷得多,对方一回嘴整个版面就没法看了。因此 @BE4 提出时政独立,我觉得这个主意不错。



小二 at 2019-11-28

自己去看详细论证过程 https://2049bbs.xyz/t/1815

BE4 at 2019-11-28

人少不怕,倒是乐意见到一些高质量的帖子。 以我个人来说,并不喜欢隔壁站的氛围,除了政治就是战斗,还有一些口嗨抖机灵的。。 而且又不是自己没有事情干,整天住站里的那种,一言不合就对线。 个人比较喜欢 摆事实讲道理的帖子,比如这位老哥分分析: https://2049bbs.xyz/t/1774 (猜测是同行或者近似的工作)

有毒养猪大叔 at 2019-11-29

I think 2049bbs is not appropriate for serious beings (targeting at academic researches), reasons (including but not limited in):

  1. Who’s the audience? Specialized audience should seek for specialized sites (say, arXiv subfields daily check etc.) See also “知识的诅咒” 和科普的难题

  2. As an author, writing seriously takes a lot of time, time is precious.

BTW, I just want to analyze (seriously) how implementable Radical Markets can be.

radical market … 能够把贯穿近现代史两百年的两大股思潮结合在一起,是因为它发现了自由主义和马克思主义二者共同的那个立足「根本」。 而这个根本,一是上面提到的一套幂函数的逻辑,二要求很低的市场交易成本。 而区块链、加密货币的价值,就是从技术上降低了转账的交易成本。 所以作者在书中明确地提出了,比特币的出现,加密货币的诞生,能够与 radical market 相结合,可能激发出魔法般的化学反应。这本书去年被以太坊创始人 V 神读到,他发现了这一点,于是把书介绍到了区块链行业。

Apart from the section of data labor (See also), other sections seem not implementable enough, We can’t establish & dont’t need Perpetual Motion (probably except for Platonists), unless humans can be informational-ized, which is NOT dissipative, thus won’t rely on marginal analysis.

Combining blockchain is more like forging a so-called value consensus, like axioms in math, if you commit a set of certain axioms, the corresponding system is consistent (though it may not be complete), if not, you cannot be convinced … such tricks won’t work for me. See also the blow-ups of blockchain from ZhangShouCheng.

PS: I’ve been typing in English cuz Chinese input method is not installed on this machine …

NULL1089 at 2019-11-29