
By chinatimeline at 2020-01-15


We don’t track your visitors with cookies

In order to collect data, we don’t invade the privacy of your visitors by installing cookies* . Instead, we combine visitor’s location with browser signature to achieve this with similar precision. We also respect Do Not Track (“DNT”) settings in browsers.

As a result, our tracking code is privacy-friendly, polite, non-aggressive, and ignored by Ad blockers or similar tools people use to protect themselves.

  • Visitors may receive _cfduid cookie from our DNS provider Cloudflare.

Ticksel, 隐私, 友好, 流量, 工具

Demo (非务必在Tor环境下打开)


chinatimeline at 2020-01-15

@chinatimeline #1 为什么必须在TOR环境打开?

puf夏 at 2020-03-03